Sunday, July 19, 2015

A character a day...

Uptight, one long braid down her back, sprigs of blonde curls escaping, her hazel eyes focused on something in the distance, her hands clung tightly to her article.
The article she wrote, but her name wasn't on it. Her name was Mina Koppen. The name on the article was Jonathon Miraz, She didn't understand, she had written the article for the student newspaper, she had turned it in to her Editor Jonathon, and somehow his name appears on her writing,  How does this happen, did he think of her as someone who he could easily dupe???

She had told him, how proud she was of her article of precise research about the matter of Professors using their tenure as an excuse to not hold class. She was so proud of all the interviews she had done, research, discussions, and even had hosted an open forum for students to come and talk about their experiences. Somehow, this Jonathon just decided he could easily delete her name, and not change any of the article and publish it as his.

Her eyes were start to tear up and become watery. I will not cry, I will not cry she whispers, I'm stronger than this. She reminds herself that she was a strong women and not afraid. She would get Jonathon back, she just had to think. She wiped the tears lingering across the bridge of her nose, onto her cardigan.

She started to think of possible scenarios, she had the option to report him to the academic dean and he would easily lose his position, and face academic expulsion from the university.


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